Maybe my favorite subject to talk about is journaling.
Wake up early. Lemon water with apple cider vinegar. Candles lit. Oils diffusing. Journal session. This is a quick look into my morning. Mornings are my time to get started with the day before the family is up and it's on the go.
I love my mornings to have a little "me" time and reflect on life. This has been a powerful habit I have developed and I adore this time.
Besides coffee, one of the things I look forward to most in the morning is the journaling process. Infusing mindfulness into my mornings just feels amazing to me and I love starting the day off this way. Writing things out gives me so much clarity and I find the process fun.
The self-awareness that comes from journaling is beyond valuable. I really try to add mindfulness into my life daily. Journaling for me has been a beautiful tool for this.
Why Should Journaling Become Part of Your Lifestyle?
♥Mental clarity
♥Increases creativity
♥Improves health
♥Elevates your mood
♥Greater sense of gratitude
♥Reduces stress
♥Organizes your thoughts
♥Increases your sense of wellness
How To Start?
Not sure how to get into the journaling flow? The answer is easy. Just start somewhere and do baby steps.
- Grab yourself a journal and pen (anything pink or floral is perfect). I personally have found my favorite journals at Chapters
- Pour yourself a wine or grab a coffee. Lighting candles is a gorgeous touch. Anything that gets your vibes flowing and makes you feel good is fantastic. This is key to get yourself in a high vibing state.
- Set a timer for 5 minutes and just start writing away. Feel free to keep writing after the timer after the timer goes off and you are loving it.
- Have fun with it. Keep it light and simple.
Journaling is such an enjoyable experience for me. It’s uber specific process. I need a spiral notebook, the right pen, and a relaxing space. Of course, my journaling space includes candles and pure essential oils- see my post on my favorites- Oils Obsessed. If I’m feeling extra crafty, I will grab stickers and different color pens to add to my own girly style of journaling. You may be thinking what can I journal about? Well, really anything. This is your time to write out anything you wish. Anything on your mind or heart, get it down on the pages in your journal.
Here are a few things I adore journaling about:
Cultivate an attitude of gratitude and get it in your journal. An attitude of gratitude means making it a habit to express thankfulness and appreciation in all parts of your life. Gratitude is a beautiful state to put yourself into. This is so simple, but a powerful tool to shift a yucky mood. Try it.
Write down 5 things to give thanks for on your journaling pages. Past, present, future. Show thanks for all things in your life currently and things that you wish to come into your reality.
Day Sculpting
Basically, this is like your to-do list for the day but with a fun twist. Write out all the things that are on your mind for what you would like to get accomplished for the day. Here’s the fun part… add to your list 3 things you would love to attract into your day. These things can be anything from a feeling, experience, or person you wish to come into your day. This is all you so get creative and don’t hold back. Write those things out as silly as they may sound to you and get feeling those emotions as though you have received them already.
Getting all my ideas out of my head and on paper is one thing I do to create space. I actually have a separate journal for just writing down ideas that are on my mind. I always put the date of all my journal entries. It’s pretty cool to go back and look at your journal entries and see how far you have come and what has manifested from ideas years ago.
Questions ???
Probably one of my favorite things to journal about is questions. Becoming more aware is powerful in self-development and gaining clarity in life. Asking quality questions is a great way to get creativity flowing.
Some questions to reflect on and journal about…
What are the things that bring you joy and happiness?
Who are those people who inspire you in life?
What would your perfect day look like?
What is something new you would like to learn?
What do I need more of in my life?
There is something so blissful to me about writing lists. I love the simplicity and organization in a quick little list. You can grab your journal and write out any type of list you a feeling is on your heart. An example of lists that I love journaling is:
things I’m loving
great things that happened from the day
foods that I’m loving
new things to try
Anytime you can start to infuse mindfulness into your life, it’s a beautiful thing. Take a few minutes today for yourself. Open the pages of a journal and start writing away. Let me know how this goes for you.
With love,